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The pain of CEOs when running an ineffective management business and the miraculous solution from a software

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It’s a strange story in Vietnam – businesses also have pain, and this pain is even more damaging than a broken heart. If not resolved quickly, it can make the boss’s company difficult to succeed, with a declining business situation, a poorly functioning system, no revenue, and being trapped in a “hair’s breadth” situation in the midst of an economic crisis that can sweep away any weak company on its way.

So what is a weak company? It’s a company without vision, poorly executing its business plan, and disorganized in its operational structure. Its leaders make frequent mistakes, relying solely on their “intelligence,” neglecting the need for continuous learning and improvement.

Dear bosses, Steve Jobs once said, “To me, ideas are worth nothing unless executed. They are just a multiplier. Execution is worth millions.” The purpose of business and the dreams of most companies all aim towards billions of dollars, but to achieve that, we must execute step by step. Business is not a lottery where we can instantly become successful, money comes and goes easily. Business is a problem of accumulation, creating surplus, flexibility with the operation mechanism of the market, understanding and managing demands, coordinating with a smooth team to produce the best and most timely products.

I. 4 Steps to turn business plans into reality

To turn business plans into reality, you need to go through 4 steps in the following order:

  1. Set business goals

Business goals are one of the most important steps in shaping the entire “lifeblood” of the organization. The closer the goal is to the business strategy, the higher the conversion rate into effective actions. There are 3 things that make up a perfect business goal:

Specificity: The statement should be as short and easy to understand as possible.

Measurability: The goal must be measurable by numbers and data so that you can know exactly where you are (for example, “Have over 100 new customers registered before March 1” can be measured).

Result-oriented: Aim for upward direction (for example, “Increase sales by 20% this year” contributes to achieving the company’s general goal of making a profit).

2. Carry out the execution

Start the execution phase, deploy it into reality including:

  • Break down into small goals
  • Calculate completion time
  • Assign tasks to suitable personnel
  • Manage issues that arise
  • Make decisions
  • Resolve internal conflicts
  • Predict the impact of external factors and the ability to cope.

⇒ Most Vietnamese businesses are broken at this point. Without this point, there are other points. Even though they have tried very hard, they cannot find a suitable method and tool. All the hearts, abilities, and gray matter are gradually depleted, as if being oxidized at the speed of light. Most people no longer have the courage to continue on the path of conquering success.

No problem, the execution process now has Simplamo software to handle most of these broken points, shortening the extreme distance to reach maximum growth, the thirst, and conquering the great love of business owners.

3. Measure effectiveness

This step summarizes the data that has been measured during the execution process. This will be much easier because based on step 2, the hardest step has been unlocked, and you can almost run smoothly on the path to your goal.

4. Persevere to the end

If the first 3 steps are successful, there is a high chance that the leaders will continue to implement and take off to become a large-scale enterprise, reaching far on this growth avenue.

In summary, the first 3 steps must be done properly and accurately for the possibility of maintaining stable results because the team has become accustomed to an effective workflow towards productivity.

II. Simplamo takes on difficult tasks and turns pain points in execution into the most feasible thing in the world.

Thanks to technology’s excellent storage capacity and super-easy operations, where all you need to do is search Google, and of course, you don’t need to be a doctorate to do that. Simplamo has created software that helps manage and operate businesses with modern management thinking, saving years of hard work with chaotic, disjointed operations that lead nowhere, with no clear vision or direction. You can rest assured now that Simplamo software is available!

Specifically, Simplamo has tools to address all errors in the execution process:

  • As most leaders have big egos, it is very difficult to reach a consensus in the board of directors. However, Simplamo has a tool that builds a core vision and goals with 8 simple questions based on modern management models from the United States. This helps leaders look in the same direction and leap quickly into a broader world.

  • Responsibility charts specify tasks for every position in the company, from the top five core roles to each individual, because transparency and simplicity help “minimize misunderstandings” within the team.

  • Business processes are set up according to each industry group, and all suggestions are integrated into Simplamo software, with pre-made templates, just one click and it’s done – you don’t need to be a doctorate to do it.

  • All KPI target indicators are tracked on the Scorecard and discussed continuously to suit business conditions and market flexibility. Files are exported quickly and conveniently for report printing.

  • One-on-one dialogue increases empowerment – that reflects the greatness of a boss (Level 5 leader according to Jim Collins – author of the book Good to Great), pushing employees into bold tasks, allowing them to take charge of tasks to discover how good they are.

  • Decisions are made confidently thanks to data with a basis stored on the software.

  • The Weekly Meeting tool solves tons of broken plan execution issues – Effective Weekly meetings, with a pre-existing framework, 7 specific steps, all linked together and automatically creating issues when they arise continuously. If it needs to be urgently solved, it will be added to the To-do list, if it takes longer, it will be listed under the precious Rock target to be completed. PIC for each individual, rotating to coordinate meetings at the BOD helps middle managers strengthen their management and avoid relying on the big boss.

Simplamo is more than just software; it embodies the passion and intellect of engineers who constantly strive to improve and update the product to become smarter, gain a competitive edge, and especially help many Vietnamese businesses achieve sustainable growth. Let us journey together and emerge victorious.

The growth of the company is the ultimate goal and benchmark for Simplamo, and with all its heart and desire, Simplamo believes that all operational pain will be transformed into zero, paving the way for bosses to thrive and maximize the development potential of their businesses – Super growth – Super profits.



Simplamo is a modern and scientifically-based management software that uniquely combines KPI and OKR, making every aspect of operation simple and approachable for every employee. It relieves pressure for leaders, allowing them to focus on important missions and optimize work performance for the business.

Experience Simplamo and feel the change in just 4 weeks! Register for a Simplamo demo at:

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