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The key to a winning workforce.

Join hundreds of 500+ small businesses that use Simplamo to engage and retain top talent.

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Simplamo Overview

Simplamo has tools to help your people grow

Whether you have 20 or 200 employees, Simplamo can help you put your people first — making it easier to give them recognition for achievements, a positive work environment, and the opportunity to grow.

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Continuous feedback leads to more meaningful conversations

“With Simplamo, it’s a natural, honest dialogue between a manager and subordinate. Those are the questions that Simplamo’s system supports naturally with ease and grace, rather than a clunky interface with the fixed format of ‘what are your goals?”

Dang Thi Thuc– CEO Dang Gia Trang


Of Li-cycles year reviews were completed on time using Simplamo.
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Performance evaluation efficient work

  • Easily evaluate employee performance and work management.
  • Data connection with Conversation tool – provides information for quarterly and annual HR review.

Align your teams to achieve better results

  • Allow your entire organization to align their goals with your overarching company goals with our strong alignments.
  • Dashboards help everyone to understand what the company’s goal is and how they contribute to it.
tiến độ hoàn thành rocks trên simplamo
Rocks template

Easy to use and create OKR, KPI through template

  • Create OKRs, KPIs instantly with our built-in step-by-step guides and OKRs, KPIs Templates for every level of your organization in less than 5 minutes.
  • Weekly check-ins and reviews ensure that progress is made regularly, and problems are identified and brought to the surface early.

Know your team’s progress with Company dashboard

  • Visually track progress, problems and course correct with the company dashboard.
  • Filter and export files from dashboard to know the level of achievement of your departments.
Rocks template
True Platform for CEO

Run Business Simply and More

Empower People, Increase Connect, Growth Company with Simplamo

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